To consult the statistician after an experiment is finished is often merely to ask him to conduct a post mortem examination. He can perhaps say what the experiment died of.
Presidential Address to the First Indian Statistical Congress, 1938. Sankhya 4, 14-17.
R.A. Fisher, Pioneer of Statistics and Experimental Design
This lecture is based on Chapter 13 of the book
Modern Statistics for Modern Biology
by Susan Holmes, Wolfgang Huber
Well-characterized cell line growing in laboratory conditions on defined media, temperature and atmosphere.
We administer a precise amount of a drug, and after 72h we measure the activity of a specific pathway reporter.
We recruit patients with a chronic disease and who fulfill inclusion criteria, and we ask them to take a drug each day exactly at 6 am. Before, and after 3 months, we perform a diagnostic test.
What to do about this?
Imagine we want to test whether a weight loss drug works. Which of the following designs is better?
A person is weighed on milligram precision scales, with 20 replicates. He/she follows the diet, and four weeks later, (s)he is weighed again, with 20 replicates. The data are recorded by a specially trained technician.
20 people weigh themselves on their bathroom scales and self-report the number. Four weeks later, they weigh themselves and report again.
Some design decisions in HT biology are similar, if more subtle:
For reliable variant calling with current sequencing technology, you need ca. \(30\times\) coverage for a human genome.
In the 1000 Genomes Project, the average depth of the data produced was 5.1 for 1092 individuals. Why was that study design chosen?
In fact, the terminology is too simplistic. Variation can occur at many different levels:
We use blocking and can use the tools of design matrices in linear models to record and account for it.
To the extent that we know about such nuisance factors and have kept track of them, we can (should) include them explicitly as bias terms in our analysis models.
If we did not keep track, we can try to use latent factor models (SVA, PEER, RUV) to identify them from the data.
The efficiency of most biochemical or physical processes involving nucleic acid polymers depends on their sequence content, for instance, occurrences of long homopolymer stretches, palindromes, GC content.
These effects are not universal, but can also depend on factors like concentration, temperature, which enzyme is used, etc.
When looking at RNA-Seq data, should we treat GC content as noise or as bias?
We may think that the outcome of tossing a coin is completely random.
If we meticulously registered the initial conditions of the coin flip and solved the mechanical equations, we could predict which side has a higher probability of coming up: noise becomes bias.
We use mathematical and probabilistic modelling as a method to bring some order into our ignorance—but keep in mind that such models are an expression of our subjective ignorance, not an objective property of the world.
Pre-modern measurement systems measured lengths in feet, ells, inches (first joint of an index finger), weights in stones, volumes in multiples of the size of a wine jar, etc.
In the International System of Units, meters, seconds, kilograms, amperes, … are defined based on universal physical constants.
There is no reliance on artefacts, and a meter measured by a lab in Canada using one instrument has the same meaning as a meter measured a year later by a lab in Heidelberg using a different instrument, by a space probe in the Kuiper belt, or by an extraterrestrial intelligence on Proxima Cen b.
Measurements in biology are, unfortunately, rarely that comparable.
Often, absolute values are not reported (these would require units), but only fold changes with regard to some local reference.
Even when absolute values exist (e.g., read counts in an RNA-Seq experiment) they usually do not translate into universal units such as molecules per cell or mole per milliliter.
Dealing with the lack of units in many biological assays
Btw, terrible name. It has nothing to do with normal distribution, vector norm, or right angles. Perhaps better would be “calibration”.
What do we want from a good normalization method:
Possible figure of merit?
If one can explain a phenomenon without assuming this or that hypothetical entity, there is no ground for assuming it.
One should always opt for an explanation in terms of the fewest possible causes, factors, or variables.
Regular noise: can be modeled by simple probability models (independent normal, Poisson distributions; or mixtures such as Gamma-Poisson or Laplace)
Can use relatively straightforward methods to take regular noise into account
Real world is more complicated: measurements can be completely off the scale (sample swap, contamination, software bug, …)
Multiple errors often come together: e.g., a whole microtiter plate went bad, affecting all data measured from it.
Such events are hard to model or even correct for—our best chance is data quality assessment, outlier detection and documented removal.
A film director will view daily takes, to correct potential lighting, shooting issues before they affect too much footage. It is a good idea not to wait until all the runs of an experiment have been finished before looking at the data.
Intermediate data analyses and visualizations will track eventual unexpected sources of variation in the data and enable you to adjust the protocol.
It is important to be aware of sources of variation as they occur and adjust for them.
Ibn Sina’s Canon of Medicine (1020) lists seven rules of experimental design, including the need for controls and replication, the danger of confounding and the necessity of changing only one factor at a time.
This dogma was overthrown in the 20th century by RA Fisher.
However, suppose the experiment was done in two “batches”, and we color the data according that:
We cannot conclude because of confounding.
Now suppose there is no such fatal confounding, but an unknown batch effect that is balanced between the conditions, and effectively causes higher noise levels. Then, the previous sample size (2 x 6) is not enough. With 2 x 24, it looks better:
Depends on:
Analysis of Variance Table
Response: y
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
condition 1 0.8828 0.8828 2.723 0.1299
Residuals 10 3.2420 0.3242
Analysis of Variance Table
Response: y
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
condition 1 0.88280 0.88280 8.4591 0.019635 *
batch 2 2.40714 1.20357 11.5328 0.004398 **
Residuals 8 0.83489 0.10436
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Darwin’s Zea Mays experiment:
pot pair type height
1 I a cross 23.500
2 I a self 17.375
3 I b cross 12.000
4 I b self 20.375
5 I c cross 21.000
6 I c self 20.000
type a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
cross 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
self 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Paired t-test
data: height[type == "self"] and height[type == "cross"]
t = -2.148, df = 14, p-value = 0.0497
alternative hypothesis: true mean difference is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
-5.229434169 -0.003899165
sample estimates:
mean difference
Analysis of Variance Table
Response: height
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
type 1 51.352 51.352 4.6139 0.0497 *
pair 14 86.264 6.162 0.5536 0.8597
Residuals 14 155.820 11.130
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
The proof that the \(t\)-statistic follows a certain \(t\)-distribution assumes that observations are independent and follow a normal distribution: this is a sufficient, but not necessary, condition.
Deviation from normality (heavier tails): test typically maintains type-I error control (it may loose some power).
Options: use simulations or permutations; use a different test (e.g., Wilcoxon)
Deviation from independence: type-I error control is lost, p-values will likely be totally wrong (e.g., for positive correlation, too optimistic).
No easy options:
(George Box, 1978)
Often we don’t know which nuisance factors will be important, or we cannot plan for them ahead of time.
In such cases, randomization is a practical strategy: at least in the limit of large enough sample size, the effect of any nuisance factor should average out.
“The design space is divided into uniform units to account for any variation so that observed differences within units are largely due to true differences between treatments. Treatments are then assigned at random to the subjects in the blocks - once in each block. The defining feature of the Randomized Complete Block Design is that each block sees each treatment exactly once.” (Trudi Grant)
There is also rich literature on deterministic, balanced block designs.
Many biological assays are so fiddly and fickle that we always use them together with positive and negative controls (Western blots, CRISPR, PCR…)
With sufficiently complicated computational analyses, it can be worthwhile to think of them in the same way.
In well-controlled experiment: rule of thumb, \(n\le 3\).
In a study: dozens, hundreds.
If a factor of interest is continuous (e.g. time, temperature, concentration) and sampled at many points, there usually no need for replication within its levels.
A sample of independent observations is more informative than the same number of dependent observations. \(\Rightarrow\) Dependent data require larger samples. Intuition: each sample contains less information.
Consider an opinion poll. We knock at people’s doors and ask them a question.
In both cases, \(n\) people are polled is \(n\). But if we assume that people living in the same neighborhood are more likely to have similar opinions, the data from Scenario 2 are (positively) correlated.
Simulation: “opinions” in a population of 100 people are \(N(0,1)\). We want to estimate the mean by sampling. In scenario 1, we ask 12 randomly selected people. In scenario, we ask 4 randomly selected people as well as two of their direct neighbours.
\[\begin{equation} X_{\text{obs}} = f(\theta) + \varepsilon \end{equation}\]
Homoskedastic: \(\quad\text{sd}(\varepsilon)=\text{const.}\)
Heteroskedastic: e.g.,
Pervade all phases of analysis: raw data, transformation, summarization, model fitting, hypothesis testing, screening for ‘’hits’’. Diagnostics and metrics:
iSEE package: PBMC4k example, CYTOF example
MatrixQCVis package:
Henry Ford (possibly apocryphal): ‘’If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.’’: quality as fitness for purpose, versus adherence to specifications.
Not easy to nail down (or mathematically define) quality, the word is used with many meanings. See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quality_(business)
Longitudinal data have time as a covariate.
handful of time points (e.g. response of a cell line measured 48h, 72h and 84h after exposure to a drug) vs a long and densely sampled time series (e.g. patch clamp data in electrophysiology or movie from life cell microscopy).
in 1st case, think of time as just another experimental factor, like concentration or choice of drug. One analysis strategy could be to first identify the “best”, or biologically most indicative, time point, and then focus on that. Or whether there is any effect at all, regardless of the time.
in 2nd case, time series, we’ll often want to fit dynamical models to the data. We have many choices:
Examples include:
Clustering vs (semi-)supervised classification
Multiple testing / hypothesis weighting (\(\to\) independent hypothesis weighting, et al.)
Feature scaling
Grouping / discretization of continuous variables
Dichotomizing continuous predictors in multiple regression: a bad idea
Royston, Altman, Sauerbrei
Statistics in Medicine 2006
Data analysis pipelines in high-throughput biology often work as funnels that successively summarise and compress the data. In high-throughput sequencing, we may start with individual sequencing reads, then align them to a reference, then only count the aligned reads for each position, summarise positions to genes (or other kinds of regions), then “normalize” these numbers by library size, etc.
At each step, we loose some information, and it is important to make sure we still have enough information for the task at hand. The problem is particularly burning if we use a data pipeline built from a series of separate components without enough care being taken ensuring that all the information necessary for ulterior steps is conserved.
Statisticians have a concept for whether certain summaries enable the reconstruction of all the relevant information in the data: sufficiency. E.g., in a Bernoulli random experiment with a known number of trials, \(n\), the number of successes is a sufficient statistic for estimating the probability of success \(p\).
In a 4-state Markov chain (A,C,G,T) such as the one we saw in Lecture 2, what are the sufficient statistics for the estimation of the transition probabilities?
Iterative approaches akin to what we saw when we used the EM algorithm can sometimes help avoid information loss. For instance, when analyzing mass spectroscopy data, a first run guesses at peaks individually for every sample. After this preliminary spectra-spotting, another iteration allows us to borrow strength from the other samples to spot spectra that may have been labeled as noise.
Analysis projects often begin with a simple script, exploration, prototyping.
Eventually, the paper needs to be written, figures be done properly, analysis be saved for the scientific record and to document its integrity. Here are a few tools that can help.
Combining all the data so it is ready for analysis or visualisation often involves a lot of shuffling around of the data, until they are in the right shape and format for an analytical algorithm or a graphics routine.
Errors can occur, lost labels, lost information: be safe, redundancy is good.
A single cell expression data matrix (Hiiragi2013 package) data (only the first 5 rows and columns):
1 E3.25 2 E3.25 3 E3.25 4 E3.25 5 E3.25
1415670_at 4.910459 7.526672 6.956328 6.424048 5.105808
1415671_at 9.768979 9.144228 9.295010 11.059831 9.376749
1415672_at 10.411893 10.918942 9.495738 10.317996 11.143684
1415673_at 5.618108 6.439416 6.730465 4.914527 5.619778
1415674_a_at 7.541891 8.380285 8.480580 7.977363 8.650312
[1] 45101 101
This is an example for a data table in wide format.
# A tibble: 4,555,201 × 3
probeid `Embryonic Day` value
<chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 1415670_at 1 E3.25 4.91
2 1415670_at 2 E3.25 7.53
3 1415670_at 3 E3.25 6.96
4 1415670_at 4 E3.25 6.42
5 1415670_at 5 E3.25 5.11
6 1415670_at 6 E3.25 5.86
7 1415670_at 7 E3.25 5.06
8 1415670_at 8 E3.25 4.57
9 1415670_at 9 E3.25 8.12
10 1415670_at 10 E3.25 5.46
# … with 4,555,191 more rows
In dfl
, each row corresponds to exactly one measured value, stored in the column named value
. Then there are additional columns that store the associated covariates.
Now suppose we want to store somewhere not only the probe identifiers but also the associated gene symbols.
In dfw
, we could stick them as an additional column, and perhaps also throw in the genes’ ENSEMBL identifier for good measure. But now we have a problem: the dataframe now has some columns that represent different samples, and others that refer to information for all samples (the gene symbol and identifier) and we somehow have to know this when interpreting the dataframe. This is what Hadley Wickham calls untidy data.
In contrast, in dfl
, we can add these columns, yet still know that each row forms exactly one observation, and all information associated with that observation is in the same row.
In tidy data
each variable forms a column,
each observation forms a row,
each type of observational unit forms a table.
See also https://www.huber.embl.de/msmb/Chap-Design.html#tidy-data-using-it-wisely
Even though there are only 45101 probe-gene symbol relationships, we are storing them 4555201 times in the rows of dfl
We may choose to call these columns probeid
and geneid
, but the next person might call them probe_id
and gene_id
, or even something completely different. When we find a dataframe that was made by someone else and that contains such-named columns, we may hope, but have no guarantees, that these are valid gene symbols.
Addressing such issues is behind the object-oriented design of the specialized data structures in Bioconductor, such as the class SummarizedExperiment
Representation of the matrix may also simply be more natural and mathematically stringent - e.g., if we want to apply PCA / dimension reduction, or classification.
There are two types of variation in an experiment or study: those of interest, those that are unwanted.
We usually cannot rid ourselves of all the unwanted variation, but we saw how we can used balanced randomized designs, data transformations.
Reproducible workflows
Open science: make data and code available
Quarto sources for this talk: https://github.com/wolfganghuber/Best-Analysis-Practices-Talk