Statistical Concordance
As a supplement to the index, we provide a list of statistical concepts and procedures and the chapters in which they are covered.
Method | Chapter |
Analysis of variance | 8 |
Bayesian statistics | 2 |
Bootstrap | 4, 5 |
Chi-square test | 2 |
Clustering | 4, 5 |
Correspondence Analysis | 9 |
Data Transformations | 4, 8 |
Diffusion Map models | 9 |
Distances | 4, 9 |
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) | 3 |
Fisher’s Exact test | 10 |
False Discovery Rate (FDR) | 6 |
Goodness of fit | 2 |
Generalized Linear Models | 8 |
Hypergeometric Test | 10 |
Hypothesis Testing | 1, 6 |
Markov Chains | 2, 10 |
Maximum Likelihood | 2 |
Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) | 9 |
Multiple hypothesis testing | 6 |
Multivariate Regression | 8, 9, 12 |
Ordination and gradient detection | 9 |
P-value | 1 |
Permutation tests | 10 |
Phylogenetics | 10 |
Power calculations | 13 |
Principal Components (PCA) | 7 |
Principal Coordinates Analysis (PCoA) | 9 |
Regression | 7, |
Robust methods | 12 |
Spatial statistics | 11 |
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